Nordplus Adult project 2012“Get a New Streamline”. Project ID : AD-2012_1a-28757
Venue – SA Maarja Küla, Estonia
Date - 19-23 May 2014
- Susanne Noer, Limfjordsskolen, DK
- Grit Aino Berthelsen, DK
- Lauris Geurden, SA Maarja Küla, EE
- Meelis Tasur, SA Maarja Küla, EE
- Aistė Pagirienė, Jaunuolių dienos centras, LT
- Eglė Gudžinskienė, Jaunuolių dienos centras, LT
Arrival Monday 19.05.2014
Tuesday 20.05.2014
9:00 – 10:00 Tour in Maarja Village – getting to know the
seminar host
10:00 – 11:30 Overview of last year project activities, each
partner 30 minuts
11:45 – 13:00 Preparation of our game – publication.
14:00 – 15:30 Cultural programme
16:30 leaving by bus to the student's home
17:30 short hiking trip through the forest back to the village.
Wednesday 21.05.2014
(partly Cultural programme)
the rest of the morning = OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS
Seminar inviting coworkers of Maarja Village and people from
other institutions.
Theme: Sexual Politics of institutions for people with learning
Thursday 22.05.2014
More time to prepare our game – publication
Preparation of our last meeting in Lithuania (September 2014).
Excursion to the shop and flat in Tartu.
Diner and staying overnight in Tartu
Departure from Tartu, Friday 23.05.2014